How much weight should I gain?

belly, heart, love

As you have to meet the nutritional requirements in pregnancy eating all the different types of foods, some weight gain is natural and is bound to happen. According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, if your pre-pregnancy weight was in the normal range, you should gain around 25-35 pounds in pregnancy. 

However, it is important that you keep your weight in check and discuss your nutritional requirements with your doctor/midwife throughout the nine months of your pregnancy. As the weight gain recommendations are different for women who were obese or underweight before pregnancy – and also for those pregnant with twins or multiples – your doctor should be able to guide you appropriately on this. 

That said, let’s have a look at what’s generally considered the ideal weight gain and BMI during pregnancy. 

  • Single Pregnancy: In case you’re pregnant with a single baby and your BMI is 30 or greater, your recommended ideal weight gain should be 11-20 pounds (around 5-9kg)
  • Multiple Pregnancy: In case you’re pregnant with twins or multiples, and your BMI is 30 or greater, your recommended ideal weight gain during pregnancy should be 25-42 pounds (around 11-19kg)

If your BMI is 40 or greater, you should gain less weight during pregnancy than the recommended figure or even consider losing weight. This will reduce the chances of a C-section at the time of delivery. Mostly, healthcare providers encourage women to avoid gaining excessive weight during their pregnancy instead of recommending a certain ideal weight gain figure.

Is It Common For Doctor/Midwife to Discuss Your Weight During Appointments?

Yes, they must keep your weight in check and, therefore, they discuss it during pregnancy. It is also common for doctors to measure the patient’s height and weight to calculate their BMI. There’s nothing to be offended about it.

I want to keep this short and sweet, this week. Next week, I’ll conclude this with controlling, loosing and gaining weight during pregnancy.

**The information given is helpful, but it is not a substitute for your care provider. He or she will have specific information about you and will be able to help tailor your care for your personal circumstances. These are guidelines and the best care will sometimes mean doing things different than or in addition to what will be outlined today. Information is not being endorsed by any government or public entity. The views expressed are only those of the author**

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