Childbirth Education: Knowledge Makes a Difference

ChildBirth Education is a Modern Responsibility

When we discuss childbirth eduction, I still hear of people reluctant to learn about the topic. It’s not just birth partners; some birth-givers don’t want to know about childbirth. Why is this? Childbirth education is one of the most powerful things in the world. Learning about childbirth could remove the mystery or possible fear, as well as the “ick” factor!

Childbirth education is a modern responsibility. Everybody should learn about childbirth and how it plays a paramount role in society. Let’s be supportive of people going through childbirth. After all, it had impacted us all in the past, when we were born, and will undoubtedly affect us in the future, whether it’s ourselves, a friend, or a family member living the experience.

The Powerful Impact of Birth Education

Developing your knowledge on the subject of childbirth can only be of benefit, whether you are the person going into labor or you are supporting someone else. I’m not suggesting that people need to train to the point they’re experts in the field, but at least gain basic knowledge and understanding so that only some elements are a surprise. Some people take birth doula training and wind up loving what they learn—but this is a choice for you!

The value of birth education cannot be understated. We have a responsibility to try and learn about normal, everyday things. That’s why we are taught about sex education in school. We need to know about these normal biological processes as we grow up. They help to prepare us for adulthood from a young age.

Supporting Birth-Givers Everywhere

Whether you are a first-time birth-giver or have been asked to be a birthing partner, I believe that gaining a birth education should be for everybody.

Getting a labor and delivery education means you can be a more supportive family member, partner, or friend. A lot of the stigma and reluctance to talk about these topics comes from the fact that people don’t know what happens in childbirth. They have an idea, but they need to figure it out.

If we educate as many people as possible, we can start having honest conversations about childbirth. It’s challenging to tackle a systemic problem by getting an education because people are reluctant to learn, but it’s possible. We need to focus on incentivizing education by talking about the benefits of being able to support people you care about.

Learning How to Prepare For Childbirth

That’s the point of our doula training, to be honest. It’s all about learning to prepare for childbirth because it shouldn’t be a big or scary event.

Of course, it’ll be hard to make this a reality. But it’s possible. Suppose we frame this birth education as people learning to prepare for childbirth. In that case, more supportive partners and families will want to know.

The Takeaway

Are you about to become a mom soon? I can offer you a whole gamut of products and services to guide you through. So book an appointment now to learn more about all I offer and the benefits. Additionally, download your free Birth-Plan E-Book!


**The information given is helpful, but it is not a substitute for your care provider. He or she will have specific information about you and will be able to help tailor your care for your personal circumstances.   These are guidelines and the best care will sometimes mean doing things different than or in addition to what will be outlined today. Information is not being endorsed by any government or public entity. The views expressed are only those of the author**

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